This Blog Will Describe What Degrassi Is Really About.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Always seen wearing all black, and driving a hearse, other Degrassi students believe he has an obsession with death. He accidentally ran over Clare's glasses with his hearse, and appears to develop feelings for her after they become partners in their English class. After winning concert and backstage tickets, he convinces Sav to take his father's truck to Hamilton with him and Adam. Befriending Adam, he tries to stand up to Fitz's bullying by giving him a fake ID with the name of a wanted arsonist and calling the police, resulting in Fitz getting arrested. He and Clare are the first to find out about Adam being transgendered.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Ellie was originally a Goth whose father goes on an Army tour in Afghanistan, leaving her with her mother who suffers with alcoholism. She starts deliberately cutting herself with her pencil holder edge. She begins a fake relationship with Marco Del Rossi after he comes out to her to mask his homosexuality from his friends in season 2. She receives help for her self-hurting behavior after Paige Michalchuk tells the counselor in season 3. She starts dating Sean Cameron and eventually moves in with him after her mother accidentally sets their apartment on fire, because of her alcoholism. He moves to Wasaga Beach in season 4, resulting with their break up. She develops a crush on Craig Manning, however she is ignored when he rekindles his relationship with Manny Santos. She graduates Degrassi in season 5 with the class of 2006. She attends Toronto University and rooms with Paige, Marco, and Griffin, and acts as a journalist at the school newspaper, "The Core". She was one of the few who discovered Craig's cocaine addiction in season 6. She starts dating Jesse until she discovers Caitlin Ryan making out with him in season 7. She almost has sex with Marco during a blackout. Her and her roommates all decide to move out and go on with their lives. In the film Degrassi Goes Hollywood, her and Marco are invited to visit Paige in Los Angeles, after she scores an acting career. She decides after discovering that her father is back from Afghanistan and suffering with post traumatic stress disorder. She surprisingly runs into Craig in the streets, who has been to rehab and is no longer touring with Ashley. She discovers that Craig has a new girlfriend, much to her disappointment. However the two share a passionate kiss at the airport. Marco finally convinces Ellie to visit her father at the end of the film.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Darcy was a straight-laced Christian and was a member of the school Christian group and Friendship Club, and was the leader of the Spirit Squad. She starts dating Spinner in season 5 and tries to convert him into a born again virgin. She posts risqué photos of herself online in season 6 that attracts a 40-year-old man who tries to get in physical contact with her. Spinner breaks up with her because of her hypocritical behavior that she was exhibiting. She develops a relationship with Peter afterwards. She is raped at a snowboarding party and develops Chlamydia as a result in season 7. She tries to commit suicide after the discovery, and is put in counseling to deal with her issues. She eventually has sex with Peter. She accuses Archie Simpson of inappropriate behavior, which results in an investigation and his temporary suspension from Degrassi. Darcy eventually rebuilds her spirit and is forgiven by most of her friends. She moves to Kenya in season 8 for a semester to study, leaving Peter behind. She often writes him and sends him gifts.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


A member of the Power Squad and a common friend of Darcy, Leia, and other students. She develops a crush on Chester Hosoda-Bloom in season 4. She is the writer of The Anti-Grape Vine Blog, and is known as the gossip queen of Degrassi. She convinced Leia to break up with Danny, claiming that it would help their relationship, however she really had feelings for him as well. She tries to get them back together, but fails when Danny informs her he has feelings for her too. She refers to him as 'another student' in her blog, after he made her pay the bill on a date, which offends him.


Nicknamed 'Spinner' because of his ADHD, Gavin is a hyperactive student and is known as the school bully in season 1. He is the adoptive brother of Kendra Mason. He alienates Marco after discovering his homosexuality, but eventually accepts Marco's sexuality and even helps him hook up with Dylan. He dates Paige from seasons 3-4. She breaks up with him after he gets into a fight with Craig over Manny, and causes her to lose her job as well. He starts dating Manny Santos until she breaks up him after he reveals that he is the cause of Jimmy's confinement to a wheelchair. He is expelled from Degrassi after he confesses to the principal that he bullied Rick before the school shooting. He returns to Degrassi in season 5 and starts dating Darcy, who helps him become a born-again Christian. He breaks up with her because of her hypocritical behaviour. He is diagnosed with testicular cancer in season 7 and goes through a period of reckless behaviour because of his fear of dying. He rebuilds his spirit after he starts dating Jane and pursues operation. He graduates Degrassi in season 7. He is shot during a burglary at The Dot in season 8, but he quickly recovers afterwards. In the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan, he overhears Jane and Holly J. talking about when Jane cheated on Spinner, resulting with him ultimately breaking up with her. After Emma accidentally catches The Dot on fire, causing him to fall into an even deeper depression, she takes him to a casino. After they win over $2,000 at a casino, they get drunk and get married. After several attempts to get a divorce, they realize that they do love each other and have a celebration to recommit their vows.


Anya was Holly J.'s best friend and often complied with whatever Holly J. told her to do. Mia tries to convince Anya to see what a bad friend Holly J. is, however Anya disagrees. She eventually sees the truth in Holly J. and ultimately ends their friendship. She forms a relationship with Sav in season 8, but they break up because of Sav's family's beliefs. Riley Stravos asks her out thinking she can be his ticket to being straight, but she reveals that she's still in love with Sav. Sav brings her to dinner with his family and they disapprove, but he finally stands up to them and they get back together. She starts LARPing in season 9 when she gets bored with watching Sav rehearse with his band. During the spring formal at Degrassi, she convinces Sav to have sex in the limo to keep him away from Farrah, his arranged wife. It is revealed that she lied to him about being on birth control, resulting with Sav breaking up with her. She pretends to be happy in an effort to get Sav back, but he confronts her and backfires her plan, breaking up with her. She befriends Riley and is the second person he comes out to. She encourages him to ask out Zane, a fellow classmate in their yoga class. Holly J. convinces her to fake pregnancy in season 10 to drop Sav out of the presidential election, but the plan backfires when Anya and Sav rekindle their relationship and use the pregnancy to increase Sav's votes, scoring him the role of student president. After Anya tells the school she had a miscarriage in order to refrain from telling the truth, she ultimately breaks up with Sav after he lies to his mother to hide their relationship again.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Declan is Fiona Coyne's twin brother. He is rich, and usually calm and conceited. He humiliates Peter at a party in his mansion that he invited Peter and Mia to, resulting with Peter getting addicted to crystal meth. He develops an attraction to Jane, resulting with Jane cheating on Spinner Mason with Declan. Jane breaks up with him after Holly J. convinces her not to break Spinner's heart. Holly J. develops an attraction to him, and they eventually start dating. She tells him she loves him after they almost have sex, however he doesn't reply. His mother announces that they are moving back to New York, much to his disappointment. He tries to convince his mother to stay, and he finally tells Holly J. he loves her. He submits a video to a broadcasting network in New York for Holly J., who gladly accepts the internship offer. He attends Vanderbilt Prep in season 10.


He's Adam's stepbrother. He tries out for the football team and becomes Riley's rival for quarterback. He overheard Riley talking to Zane, and realizes that Riley is gay, and makes subtle hints to him about it. After being hazed by Riley and another teammate, Riley has second thoughts and tells the Coach about it, giving Drew the position by default. Drew then bribes Riley to help him become more skillful at football. Drew is pursued by Alli for a relationship, but does not want to make it official because of his football schedule and other various excuses, he eventually commits though. It is revealed that he transferred to Degrassi in order to protect Adam if anyone should find out about the secret. In an effort to protect Adam he starts a fight with Fitz and Owen.


Adam is the show's first transgender character, being born female, however identifies as a male. Adam is Drew's stepbrother. After having one of the last hands on Sav's father's truck for a school council fundraiser, he goes to a concert with Eli, Sav, and Bianca, and befriends Eli. In a recreaction class he chooses Bianca, whom he is attracted to, as a ballroom dance partner. He first informs Eli and Clare that he is transgender. Bianca then finds out that Adam is biologically a girl when she playfully pushes him in the chest and realizes he has breasts. Fitz and Owen overhear, harass Adam in the boys bathroom, and throw him forcefully against a hallway door. Later on, Drew gets into a fight with Fitz and Owen. Adam's (female) birth name is Gracie.


She is a smart and highly ambitious student at Degrassi, and is active in student council and extracurricular activities. After developing a crush on J.T. Yorke since the beginning of the series, they finally start dating in season 4. He gets her pregnant in season 5 after using a king sized condom that slips off, and she plans to place it for adoption. Although he breaks up with her because she becomes too controlling and demeaning, he still tries to help her through her pregnancy, and they eventually get back together and plan to raise the child together. But after J.T. becomes a drug dealer then attempts to commit suicide by overdosing on the drugs he stole, she breaks up with him and decides to put the baby up for adoption. In season 6, J.T. and Manny Santos plan a birthday party for Liberty, which she decides to attend. Although J.T. is already dating Mia, Liberty tells him that she still loves him, but he declines and tells her he loves Mia, and she storms out of the party. After admitting to Toby that he does love her, he tries to find her in an attempt to tell her, but he is stabbed by a student from Lakehurst. His aorta is punctured and he dies that night. Afterwards, she refuses to cry because she is in shock, but she finally cries during his memorial held at Degrassi. She develops feelings for Damian Hayes, who develops feelings for her as well. They share a kiss at prom, initiating Damian's cheating on Emma, who ultimately breaks up with him. Although she continues dating Damian, her friends forgive her and they graduate Degrassi together in season seven. She attends Smithdale University and rooms with Emma, Manny, and Kelly in season 8. She tries to get a sorority, but she rejects the offer when she finds out that she was just their 'token black chick'. She is now in a new sorority, and briefly appears in the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan.


Anastasia "Jane Vaughn" Valieri arrives at Degrassi after the Lakehurst fire. Her brother is Lucas Valieri, father of Mia's daughter, although she prefers that people do not know they are siblings. She also becomes best friends with Holly J. Sinclair. Gavin "Spinner" Mason immediately developed an attraction to her, and they eventually start dating. She joins the all boy football team in season 8, and is ridiculed by many of the teammates and the coach. It is revealed that her father molested her when she was a child, after he comes to visit her and her family. She breaks up with Spinner after she finds out that he didn't tell her the truth about not getting into the police academy. She is even more angry with him after he proposes to her in front of an audience. They get back together after she remembers how supportive he is of her playing football, although she tells him no marriage until after college. She joins Clare's protest to get Principal Sheppard fired for calling Clare a bitch. She becomes the lead singer for Spinner's band Studz in season 9 after Peter gets kicked out for using meth. She starts cheating on Spinner with Declan Coyne until Holly J. convinces her to break up with Declan. She breaks up with Declan and never tells Spinner. She graduates Degrassi in season 9. In the film Degrassi Takes Manhattan, Spinner overhears Jane and Holly J. talking about when Jane cheated on Spinner, resulting in their ultimate break up. Holly J. and Declan invite her to travel to New York City with them in order to cheer her up, where she becomes the lead singer of the band Flashin' Midnight, but eventually loses her spot to the band's ex-singer. After discovering that Spinner and Emma are getting married, she travels back to Toronto to try to change his decision, but she decides to let them get married and gets closure. She then left to attend a college in California.


She plays guitar and sings, and is a member of the Power Squad. She becomes close with Clare, making Alli jealous until Jenna informs her she wants to be friends with her too. She tells them that she was known as a boyfriend stealer at her old school. She develops an attraction to K.C., and although she promises Clare she'll stay away from him, K.C. breaks up with Clare for Jenna, ending her friendship with Clare and Alli. She overhears Clare telling Alli that she is getting laser eye surgery in season 10, but mistakenly thinks it's breast implant surgery and tells her friends, but Clare eventually proves her wrong. She starts taking diet pills in order to lose weight and fit into her Power Squad uniform for the calendar, but ends up suffering from anal leakage, and stops.


It is revealed in an episode that she had a child when she was thirteen years old. She is a teenage mother who transferred to Degrassi from Lakehurst in season 6. Her daughter is Isabella "Bella" Jones. She starts dating J.T. Yorke in season 6 until he is stabbed to death by a Lakehurst student. She becomes involved with Lucas, her child's father, in season 7, but they ultimately break up after he refuses to accept the parenting idea. After posing with quarterback Danny at a pep rally in season 8, she is offered a modeling career. She starts dating Danny and becomes friends with new student Leia until Leia discovers that Mia has been performing sexual acts to increase her modeling career, ultimately ending her relationship with Danny and her friendship with Leia. She starts dating Peter, but they break up after discovering that he's not over Darcy. She drops out of school and continues her modeling career because of the stress of maintaining both, but she decides to finish school and cut down on modeling instead. She rekindles her relationship with Peter after she realizes that he truly cares about her. She accepts a modeling contract in Europe in season 9 and has to move. Peter intends in moving with her until he gets involved with crystal meth, resulting with her ultimately breaking up with him and moving to Europe without him. Although, she confronts him via live video chat and tells him she worries about him.


Alli is Sav's younger sister and Clare Edward's best friend. She is rebellious against her conservative Muslim upbringing. She develops a crush on Johnny and asks him out, but she's rejected because she's in the ninth grade. They start dating secretly until their cover is blown by Holly J., resulting with Johnny breaking up with Alli. She makes an "I Hate Holly J." group online that gets her in trouble with her parents and the police. She eventually gets back with Johnny and they have sex. She breaks up with him, because of the discomfort of having sex, but they get back together when he tells her that he wanted to wait until she was ready again and that she was the first girl he has been with. In season 9, they ultimately break up after Johnny sends a nude picture of Alli to Bruce the Moose. It is revealed that Johnny found a genital wart on his penis and that Alli was not the first girl he has been with. Alli and Jenna try to get revenge on him by tricking him into announcing it to the school, however he says 'Alli is the only girl I'll ever want', instead. Alli confronts him and tells him "I can never play with someone I could never trust, Game over," resulting in their ultimate break up. Alli becomes jealous of Jenna when she becomes close with Clare, but the three eventually become friends until Jenna steals K.C. from Clare. Alli develops a crush on Drew and pursues him in season 10, although he does not want to make it official, he pursues her as well, later ending up in a official relationship.


Clare is Darcy's younger sister and Alli's best friend. She is briefly seen and mentioned in seasons 6 and 7. Clare is at Degrassi for one reason: to learn. She begins to change after she meets K.C. and is caught with a stolen vibrator in class. She develops a crush on K.C., who likes her as well, however she informs him she's not ready for a relationship. She finds out that he lives in a group home, but overcomes her discomfort. They share a kiss and form a relationship. She is called a bitch by Principal Sheppard for protesting against him after being rude to the advanced classes. She befriends new student Jenna in season 9, who often calls her 'Clare-bear', until she steals K.C. from her, resulting in the end of their friendship. She lets K.C. cheat off of her and befriends him, until she finds out Jenna told him to cheat, resulting with Clare confronting both of them. She gets laser eye surgery in season 10 and Jenna overhears Clare telling Alli. Jenna mistakes the surgery as breast implant surgery, and stars a rumor that Clare eventually proves wrong. She meets Eli after he accidentally runs over her glasses with his hearse. She develops feelings for him when he helps her with her writing project about her parents fighting all the time. She tries to talk Eli out of getting violent with Fitz. She and Eli are the first students to find out about Adam being transgendered.


Declan Coyne's twin sister. She is rich, fashionable and sometimes rude to other students, such as Holly J. Sinclair. She starts dating Riley as an opposition towards Dave, who tries to ask her out. She develops an attraction to him, although she becomes suspicious of his sexuality. They break up after Riley calls her a bitch, because she tells him 'he can't cure homosexuality'. She and Declan move back to New York City, and attend Vanderbilt Prep, where she starts dating Bobby Breckinridge, who becomes abusive and cheats on her with his ex-girlfriend, causing her to fall into a depression, and secretly takes a flight back to Toronto. After Holly J. informs Fiona's mother, her mother decides to let her stay at Degrassi, and she and Holly J. become close friends. After Holly J.'s weekend schedule is too full for Fiona, she buys a pet pig, which ends up in disaster after it trashes her apartment.


In Holiday Road, Kelly and Emma stop at Degrassi to raise awareness for their Re-Cycle project. Emma and Kelly stay over the Simpson-Nelson residence and sleep on the coach together. Kelly is seen playing video games with Connor and Jack. Kelly is annoyed how he can never do things he wants, it's always Emma's way. After a chat with Spinner, Kelly gives into temptation and eats meat. Emma is upset to find out that Kelly cheated on being a vegan.

During the Degrassi season 9 finale movie, Degrassi Takes Manhattan, Emma returns to Toronto for the summer before she begins schooling at Toronto University for Environmental Studies in the fall, and gets a job at The Dot as a waitress for Spinner Mason. While Spinner is at a pool party thrown by Declan Coyne, he overhears long-time girlfriend Jane Vaughn talking to Holly J about how she successfully cheated on him with Declan and they were now happily past it without him ever having to know. Enraged and hurt, Spinner breaks up with Jane and punches Declan before leaving the party. However, upon returning to The Dot he finds a fire in progress. Thanks to encouragement from Jay Hogart and best friend Manny Santos Emma tried to use the sandwich grill, unfortunately starting a fire that soon escalated, causing The Dot to blow up.

Set on making it up to Spinner, Emma works to regain his friendship and make up for the mistake, playing a basketball game with him and offering to listen about his problems with Jane. In the process of trying to cheer him up with Jay and Manny, they take Spinner to a Niagara Falls casino for some fun. Teaching him blackjack, the two win over $2,000 thanks to her 'take chances' view on the game and share their first kiss after Spinner declares that the night can't get any better.

The following morning, via a drunken night of spontaneity, Emma and Spinner wake to find they married at a casino chapel and that it's all completely legal. Confused and not sure what to do, they consider divorce, even going so far as to meet with a lawyer with the papers needing only their signatures, but decide that some good could come from their accident, admitting that they love each other, and agree to throw a beach wedding with friends and family.

After some confusion on whether or not Spinner really wants to marry her, Emma's convinced he doesn't love her, like she does him, and the second wedding is cancelled. However, while 'remodeling' The Dot with a sledgehammer, hurt that what he and Emma had is already over, he finds out that not only will The Dot be repaired thanks to insurance but realizes just what he could lose by not fighting for Emma. Running all the way to her house, Spinner tells her, in front of Manny and Emma's parents, that he wants their forever to start now, giving a heartfelt speech and finally asks her to marry him. Asking both her mother and step-father to walk her down the aisle, Emma receives their blessing to marry Spinner.

Finding out about their nuptials through Spinner, Jane decides to come back from New York to stop him, believing he's making a huge mistake. Driving back from New York with Holly J. and Declan, she races back to Toronto, only to have her cohorts second-guess crashing the wedding. When they try and talk her out of it, she even lets them believe she's changed her mind, but then steals Declan's car to continue her wedding-crashing. However, when she enters Spinner's tent as he gets ready for his wedding, she stops herself, realizing that he's happy and instead of ruining his wedding and asking him to return to New York with her, she asks for forgiveness and tells him to be happy with Emma, kissing him goodbye.

Happily, Emma and Spinner recommit to each other, celebrating their nuptials amongst supportive friends and family.


Manny ends up sharing a dorm with Liberty Van Zandt, Emma Nelson, and a guy named Kelly Ashoona at Smithdale University. She had a short crush on Kelly. Manny is now seen doing a lot of Yoga. Not much is known about her relationship with Jay Hogart at this time but we do know that he still loves her.

In Degrassi Goes Hollywood, it is revealed that Manny had begun a relationship with her Drama teacher, Mick, who in fact turns out to be very controlling and lowers her confidence in her acting skills. While at Smithdale, Manny attends a seminar where Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith discuss their plans for a movie about Jason's life in high school called "Mewesical High". The duo recognize Manny in the crowd and insist that she audition for the role of Jasons's old high school crush in the movie. At first Manny is excited and is encouraged by her friends to audition. However, just moments before her audition, Mick calls her and "warns" her how she is not ready for a movie like this. After the conversation with Mick, Manny fails miserably at her audition. After much bitter sulking with her failed audtion, her breakup with Mick, along with learning that Paige got the part, Manny is encouraged again by Kevin Smith to go to Los Angeles and try to win back the role she so rightfully deserves. So, Jay, Manny, Mia, Peter, Danny, and Sav drive to Los Angeles so Manny and the Studz can get the role in the movie. While on the trip, Jay begins to see how much Manny's confidence in her acting has changed due to her relationship with Mick. Jay tries to help Manny regain confidence when they pit stop at a bar and she sings "Crash My Party" with the Studz with Jay on drums. Immediately after, Manny becomes more determined to head to Hollywood even if she has to walk.

Meanwhile, after Paige got the role, she was later turned down for acting too much like a diva and being disrespectful. Manny then gets the role after performing for Jason "Life is a Show." She begins filming with her co-star in a scene where she sings "One Saturday Night Away." Before Jay returns back home, Manny gets back together with Jay and he states that he'll be there when she gets back, and they share a passionate kiss.Manny returns in Close To Me as a lovey dovey girlfriend with Jay. And is now friends with Jane because of Facebook. When, Jane tells Manny about Declan and how she likes him, Manny gives Jane advice. She gives her some advice on leaving Spinner for Declan, if she really likes Declan more than Spinner. After, her and Jay go to Spinner's new apartment party. When, Jane's attempt doesn't work she goes back to Manny for advice. Manny's secondary advice was to stay with Spinner because he is good to Jane and does a lot for her. Jane cheats on Spinner but stays with Spinner.

It is revealed in Holiday Road that Manny went back to Hollywood to pursue in her career as an actress, making Emma feel lonely with her friends gone (Liberty joined a sorrority and Emma and Kelly broke up). During the summer of Degrassi Takes Manhattan, she returns to see everyone again, and is encouraging Emma through out the movie.


She is the sister of Heather Sinclair. She insists on being called Holly J. rather than just Holly. She is rude, sarcastic, and at times cruel to other students. Holly J.'s personality is almost identical to that of Paige Michalchuk, with the exception that Holly J. is seen as being more heartless and short tempered than Paige. There is a webisode entitled "Queen Bees" featuring both Paige and Holly J.

Holly J. shares a locker with Mia, much to their displeasure, and Anya is her best friend at the start of Season 7. Later into the season, she forms feelings for Toby after he tutors her, but their relationship is short-lived. Also in Season 7, her friendship with Anya comes to an end when Anya fights back from all the abuse Holly J. has given her over the years. In Season 8, an artsy guy named Blue is interested in her, but when she falls for him just to lose her virginity, she gets rejected. Her family then goes bankrupt, forcing her to get a job at The Dot Grill. Under the pressure of financial crisis, she reveals to the media that Mia did some "things" to get where she’s at in the modeling industry, and is kicked off the Spirit Squad. She and Spinner bond while working together, and she soon finds herself being drawn to him. When Holly J. and Spinner get held up at gun point at the Dot, and Spinner is shot, she reveals she loves him. When Blue comes back to see why Holly J. keeps rejecting him, he saves her and Spinner’s lives by calling the police. She then goes to the Black and White Ball and when he calls her "Holly", she seems content. Although, it is hinted that she and Spinner will date in Season 9, it is also hinted that she will run for prom queen. Holly J.’s finally learned that there’s more to high school than popularity and manipulation. But that doesn’t mean she’s lost her being the Queen Bee. Despite her family claiming bankruptcy, it’s blue skies for Holly J. this term and there are no limits. She’s tired of being poor and waitressing at The Dot is not producing nearly enough income to keep up with the new privileged kids at Degrassi – Declan and Fiona. But life’s too short to complain and Holly J. starts a successful babysitting business.